Sep 3 2024

Emmanuel the 'Goliath' of Blazers

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Emmanuel the 'Goliath' of Blazers

It's no secret, by now, in the Nevsun-funded Premier Pool League (NPPL) that Players Pool Club, with its new clourful and one of the leagues best jerseys, was baptized by Blazers 14-4 at Charehwa Bar in Budiriro. However, the prowess of Emmanuel Mbarami, Blazers' new signing, remains largely unknown. 

This writer witnessed Emmanuel's steady moves on the table, reducing the cream of Players Club to mere toddlers, including walloping the league's Secretary General Mhofela.  Some of the NPPL giants can testify to this. 

To date, he has literally thrashed opponents like Rooney, Mafana, and Bhibhidho, sending them all to the dust. Although he joined the NPPL this season, Emmanuel is not new to cue games.

"I started playing pool in Grade 6 for a club called Excite in Kambuzuma 2. A friend of mine, Kudakwashe, invited me to Excite Club, and I have never regretted that decision," Emmanuel shared.

With age on his side and more opportunities, Emmanuel feels he can break into the elite group of players in the country—a dream he believes will be fulfilled sooner rather than later.

"I am 21 years old now. So far, I think I have done my part. I have won games for my club, and I am happy about this. I have gained confidence. I now aim for bigger opportunities that will take me as far as the national team," Emmanuel said.

To earn a living, Emmanuel engages in menial jobs such as fetching water for households in Harare's dry suburbs. However, he confirmed that he gets a more reliable income from playing pool. Unfortunately, he lacks the resources to participate in tournaments that offer better pay, a fate faced by many other upcoming players.

"I do menial jobs, but honestly, they don't pay well. I get most of my money from playing pool, earning at least USD 40 a month. It's not enough but better than nothing. If I get an opportunity to participate in tournaments, I can at least earn enough to feed my family," Emmanuel said.

Concerning Emmanuel's performance, Blazers' Secretary General Usman said, "He is so far our best asset and we wouldn't want to lose him. He is playing well."

It remains to be seen if Emmanuel will stay at Blazers given the clubs constraints or will do as what Malanso did, joining elite clubs in the NPPL that pay better.  

Unfortunately, regardlesa of Emmanuel's prowess, the Blazers-Players game had its issues. Blazers' captain, Soviet, took matters into his own hands in discontentment with the umpire's call in the first frame by potting the black ball with his hands, leading to a red card. At the same time, Players failed to field a female player.

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